On the 5th of May, two farmer organizations from Uva Province who are engaged in pepper production, visited Julampitiya SANASA Cooperative society for a peer to peer learning programme. All three farm organizations are affiliated to Smart farmer programme supported and strengthened by APFP/FO4A project. The exposure programme was facilitated by SEFEC, the business incubation Division of SANASA International.
Julampitiya SANASA society was supported and trained to organize their member farmers and to improve their productivity and the quality of the crop by SEFEC in 2018-2020 through EFFEC project, a project implemented by SANASA International with the technical support of DID and funding assistance from the Global affairs of Canada. The society was granted a small scale dryer and few equipment with which the society was able to undertake initial trials of post-harvest processing.
The process was further strengthened with the support provided by SEFEC through the Smart farmer programme, a small holder farmer development programme spearheaded by SANASA international with the initial funds from AFA under FO4 A project. The Business Development Team of SEFEC supported the cooperative society to develop a three-year business plan and secure funds to improve their postharvest production process with upgraded machinery. The society is eager to improve their business and become one of the prominent whole sale pepper suppliers from the area.
Badalkumbura farmer organization and Bibila Ambagamuwa farmers organization, from Monaragala district, have also been supported by SEFEC to initiate similar business. Both societies were struggling to secure funds due to their informal status. SEFEC with the support of SANASA federation supported the two societies to acquire registration. With long and continuous lobbying with the Department of Cooperatives in Monaragala District, Bibila Cooperative society was able to register and acquire funding assistance from SANASA federation under Challenge fund (APFP project) to establish a pepper processing centre. Badalkumbura farmers organization is still awaiting registration and are eagerly waiting to start their pepper processing center.
SEEFC officials from the business incubation team provided an in situ financial advisory and business advisory, while the leaders of Julampitiya cooperative provided a comprehensive awareness about the processes and procedures they undertake in their business operations, the challenges and the opportunities. It was an enriching moment for both societies from Uwa province to be exposed to one of their peers in the same industry. They expressed their eagerness to improve their current business and establish a robust pepper processing business to improve the income of their member small holder farmers.