Ambagolla Farmers association, a farmer organization affiliated to the Movement for Land and Agriculture Reforms (MONLAR) decided to organize around a business with the goal of supplying pepper, a major agricultural produce in the region, to the market in an organized manner to obtain a better farm gate price.
Under the SMART FARMER project (APFP/FO4A) , Sanasa International supported Ambagolla Farmer Organization to prepare a comprehensive business plan, and receive technical advisory and training to improve the quality and value addition to their harvest. The farmers were exposed to international standards and they were supported by SEFEC to enter into PGS certification process (Participated Guaranteed System).
The farmer collective was advised by SANASA to operate as a Co-operative enterprise and SANASA federation supported them to engage with the Department of Co-operative to register as an agriculture cooperative. This new legal status enabled them to access funds from the challenge fund facilitated through Sanasa Federation in order to establish the building and to install machinery for the pepper processing center. The new legal status enables facilitated the leaders to mobilize 103 members to the new cooperative society.
The business incubation division of SANASA International (SEFEC) has been able to negotiate with CBL Natural Private Company who has agreed to procure white pepper and black pepper, manufactured by the farmer collectives that are mobilized and technically supported by the SMART farmer project. The company has already supported the business incubation process by introducing to the farmers the market standards and expected quality. SEEFC has facilitated the Ambagolla cooperative to receive services from the Central Spices Research Institute of Export Agriculture Department in Mathale and the Assistant Director of DEA in Monaragala District and the Department of Co-operative provided technical support to the process.
In addition to processing pepper, this new processing facility will be able to add value and process other local agricultural goods including jackfruit, coconut, turmeric, ginger, etc..during off-season, giving an year-round income for the farm families.
The opening ceremony of the newly constructed Bibila Ambagolla Pepper Processing Center was held on February 7th. Officials representing Sanasa International, MONLAR, the Department of Export Agriculture, the Cooperative Department, and eco APE Cooperative network participated in this event.